Monday, May 10, 2010

What is this blog about? (And why would anyone want to read it?)

This blog is all about my adventures in making and saving money. An alternate title could have been "20 Dollars", as it seems I tend to earn money $20 at a time. Believe me, it has been slow going but I have learned a lot along the way and want to share with you what has worked for me and what has not worked. Saving time is another factor when deciding on a money making "scheme" and I have certainly wasted enough of my precious time on things that didn't pan out. Maybe I can save someone the trouble.

Who am I? I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 young children (actually I have a very part time job outside the home) who has been trying to justify staying home and living off of one (and 1/4) income while my kids are young. I clip coupons, budget, shop sales, garden, sell on ebay, sell at garage sales, recycle, reduce, reuse, you-name-it.

In future posts I hope to post hints about saving money, reducing debt and earning some cash along the way. Please feel free to share your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! While there are several legitimate ways to make money online and from home, many people fall into a scam. A healthy combination of saving money and making an additional income can help many moms stay home.
