A perfect hoof-print right next to my carrots, whose tops have been nibbled down quite a bit.
And here is another picture of my garden, now that it has grown quite a bit. Compare it to my previous post last month..yowza!
In spite of all that growth, no harvest yet. I have lost one cucumber plant and 2 peppers. The one pepper plant that lives has 2 big peppers but they are starting to turn black instead of red. I have one zucchini that is about 6 inches long but I don't think it is done growing, otherwise I have a lot of squash flowers and watermelon flowers, a couple of flowers on my cucumber and a few green tomatoes. In my strawberry patch where I planted a melon (I planted 2 packets, not sure which one took!) I have tons of flowers, so perhaps I will get something out of that.
Lessons learned so far: raised beds are so much better, not just for looks but for watering and tending the plants. It is hard to keep the weeds out when the yard tries to take back it's territory. Second lesson would be that you really do need to give these squash and melon plants a lot of room, it is amazing how they spread. It is hard to see where one plant ends and the other variety begins.
Will keep you posted on my eventual harvest, now I just need those pesky deer to go elsewhere!
Next year, you might try giving the cucumbers a fence to climb, or try the bush variety (though I still get vines off of it). Also, if you cage the tomatoes, it might be a bit harder for the deer to munch...